Dell has come up with a new platform as a service and it definitely looks better than other cloud computing services. The product is called “Project Fast PaaS” which is actually a part of another bigger project called “Project Sputnik”. For your information this project also includes the development of a laptop for developers that would have Linux platform and would be smarter than many superDells on the market. So, what exactly is Fast PaaS and how is it different from other cloud computing services?
Dell has always been known for innovation and it isn’t any different for Fast PaaS. Of course, we success of the product is heavily dependent on making huge deals with very high margins, but enterprises are definitely not going to mind the extra price because the product is way ahead of its competitors.
Recently there was a discussion on customer forum between different customers and Dell managers and two of them actually volunteered to showcase the fine aspects of Fast PaaS. The fact of the matter is, the product is a bit too simple to be coming from a house like Dell, but that is one of its many positive aspects. This is a developer’s product and as a developer you just need to type in all the essential details such as the total amount of memory required and also the kind of database that would need to be attached to the application and you would have the entire package in front of you within seconds. This has been designed by Dell not to steal the jobs of IT people, but to assist them efficiently. Fast PaaS is mobile and can be accessed and operated from any device that supports android and unlike many other such services, all functionalists of Fast PaaS can be controlled from a smartphone.
The biggest difference here between Fast PaaS and other competitors on the market is Fast PaaS is not trying to provide an open slate to its users unlike HP or many others - Dell is more focused on providing a complete package that would assist the higher-level IT sector who are always on the lookout for something more than a blank slate. There has always been a market for packaged solutions as far as platform as a service is concerned because everyone seems to be focused on offering up that virtual machine and the end-user needs to configure it according to his own requirements. Dell seems to have been able to solve the problem and no longer would be IT departments need to worry about different bills from different vendors.
Fast PaaS is not only a platform (as in platform as a service), but a Pandora’s box that contains a host of things a developer might desire to have and that’s what makes it different from its competitors. If you can also get the laptop from Project Sputnik, that’s going to increase the functionality of Fast PaaS manifold because this gets integrated with the laptop seamlessly right out of the box.
Image:- Wikipedia