7 Compelling Benefits Provided By Application Hosting Providers

As technology advances, the growth of applications and software also expands. The widespread use of computers and various mobile devices becomes the norm for many industries to switch into cloud hosting. Many of us didn’t know that most of the applications we get access to using our different devices are actually based on hosted applications. This leaves us asking, what really is application hosting?

Application hosting is the process of software application wherein the software is stored on servers and can be accessed through the internet. Unlike the traditional software which is locally installed on the computer or any local server, application hosting is more convenient and beneficial not only to organizations and many people, but also to the service providers themselves. What are these compelling benefits? Here are seven of them.

  1. Architectural Elasticity - Service providers can offer their customers a variety of operation options or allow them to choose which application feature they want to apply. These options which include hosting for the required services and implementing of features, help in reducing architectural liability for customers who are developing the service.
  2. Monetization Opportunities - Service providers may take advantage of an available market opportunity by offering services and products that are not currently available elsewhere. They can also use the cloud in offering lower end versions of products and protecting a high-end franchise.
  3. Global Management - This allows checking the usage of every server and identifying any operations within the environment. All applications that are cloud based are stored in one centralized location which means that the technology team can support and control the apps from one location, without the need of hiring more staff.
  4. Great User Experience - Service providers can offer their customers greater experience by integrating their existing services with other cloud service operators. This integration not only offers extra propositions, but also makes it easier for the customers to merge different services.
  5. Low Maintenance - Service providers are responsible for the hardware and software which means that to be able to operate the business; clients only have to maintain an Internet access. Since there is no software, doing periodic updates is also completely eliminated.
  6. Reliable Access - Since the applications are stored on the Internet server, the applications and data are available to the authorized client anytime. Just as long as there is Internet access, the customers can work anywhere without having to download their work on portable devices.
  7. Reduced Cost - Although application hosting still requires charge, the fact that service providers only charge on a usage basis means that customers no longer have to estimate the value of the required software licenses, nor pay for the installation of applications that may be used by employees occasionally. The capital investment for the software and hardware, server maintenance and security are all the responsibility of the provider, thus, reducing overall cost.

There are countless benefits of providing application hosting rather than the traditional methods. While it is easier for the technical team to manage and operate, application hosting also provides the necessary resources the employees need in performing their jobs.

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